solo questing is boring.
Do not buy one in an online game company in order to befriend it? ^ ^
Unfortunately, WoW going until 70 ...
Blizzard should be starting new characters already at 60. (At least for where already own a few high Chars)
Azeroth Nobody needs more ... Every stupid Inis traipse around and find no one is more.
And if you look for in an ini quests must experience the craziest things ...
A Mage of the group pulls a 6 while the tank is afk, tank the Pullen Pullen and Pullen (Mana need the healer's not), the palace can not even cast blessing. AAAAAAAAAAH! Does not hesitate views nen WÜV one! (WoW-Monitoring Association). Noobs get a badge ...
least I have fun when I'm out with my team. Will finally 70! * Blub *
On the way to Uldaman. Furbolgs also need a break;)
Cute Quest I have never done before. Kiddy relief of a griffin. The parents were grateful.
Thanks to the Dream Team!