Monday, December 31, 2007

New Super Marios Freezing Ds

Happy new year!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

I had lately fed up with Ally and I unpacked my Horde again, and I have transferred the same to the same server where my Dudu is

My Verstärkershami Ambos who is now 70, I had to rename in Trescher Horn. And my
Heiligpaladina I have made known to the Retribution Balior. The first

I wish you a happy new year. Celebrating beautiful and you let it go!
And good looking "Dinner for One"!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Raw Canvas Stain Removal


I had the pleasure to be allowed on weekends to visit Northrend.

The Northrend from Germany to be exact.
30 cm snow and -11 C °.
I found Winterspring always fascinating. Just as Beaucedine and Xarcabard in ffxi. So I get there I
appetite for the next addon. ;-)
Finally more snow!

And no matter where you look, everywhere you see WoW ...
Here are some Ferals. in WHITE! (Lv.30, lv.55, lv.25. From left to right)
Since it is possible to change hairstyles in the addon, I'm sure that this should be possible for the different druid forms! Coat color, tattoo, scar, claws, teeth, etc.

And it means It never Ferals, but fat polar bears cross the road.
"I want to be a polar bear, the polar cold ..." singing ~

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How To Get Clothes To Stay On Hanger

I swear that you do not have to go ..

Mayday Parade.
There is no other band in the world, it creates the
me within 30 seconds to rape so emotionally, that I would like
like to jump out the window: D
boah ne ey.

waer's also nice, if I had not
still so many emotions for a person,
that I am now worried about it before doing totally broken: /

Thursday, December 6, 2007

German Shepherd Puppy Normal Heart Rate

>> 70 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

70! Seventy! Sippzick! Süüübzüück!

As the subject suggests, I am finally 70! ^ ^
No more stress level. it now reads:

Leeeeeeeets reeeeaaaddy to get Ruffarmen!

At 68, there were already flying form, what levels in the last 2 was very helpful when questing.
And it is instant. Washed and FOTT!

Using Calaelen alias Excalimur (due on his new "A" hand-sword), I was able to cobble together a good tank set. Much
Rüssi, defense and stamina. But it's still way too little. sniff.

The biggest hurdle has now taken. Now First Assignment!
Mauz and so!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Heat From Laptop Leaves Mottled Marks On Legs

Kara Pre

What you need to make pre Kara in one night?

pizza, beer and 4 Pews Pew!

First we went to Schattenlaby, this time I was 2 level higher, which was much easier. In
Murmur Although I kicked the bucket but he still went down.
I had always smile when Mairi was playing dead himself. Whenever I turned around she is upset: P

then into the steam chamber (no picture) and then in the Arcatraz.
Again, I had given the spoon .... Soon I'm
no more spoons for my cornflakes T_T

And last but not least in the mud. It was awesome and no problems.
Mount dealer has really the smallest of the group's biggest Mount angredeht ^ ^

When we were in the Arcatraz we had to do it ...
We tore our clothes off and danced until smoke comes. Who found this funny
should know of this action WE ALL put schonmal.

Well here exactly the same player. Only our Tauren but was greatly diminished ^ ^

Again, many thanks to my horny group. The night really rocked! Love ya all!

Thing To Know About Pontoon

Another week make in Outland

quests, quests, quests ...

questing in Outland, but makes a lot more fun.
had for the third time I haun the thick Durn.

Nagrand is simply the most beautiful part of the Quest.

Blade's Edge Mountains is indeed quite bleak, but the sky is there also not bad.
From the Gnome City you will from time to time shot by Gnome invention through the area.
the "parachute" is best to use just before impact ...

with my Pews I'm through the crypt and through the Shadow Labyrinth at 66!
Woohaa, orange / red were the level of the mobs for me: P
until just before Murmur we arrived but then we had to cancel due to lack of time. Was awesome!