Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spanish Baby Shower Blessings

A Saturday evening ...

... and I'm home. This is unusual and what a combination, the usually does not understand, at least not with me:-D Najaaa but I had this yesterday and Party ne very busy week behind me is schonmal erlaubt.Evtl.kommt another friend to visit nachm babysitting ^ ^
Tjaaa and as I now boring, I now spam my LJ with wasteful things. XD

First, there were some photos of the Kentucky Fried Chicken Promo 2 weeks ago ... as I said, veeery nice outfits:-DDD, and best of all: Insane beneficial "especially the T-shirt XD (PS:. stranded Ross choice> \u0026lt;)

Najaa has won big fun ^. ^

have to do Next, the result of anything mixed with total freaks XD

not So:-DD

runs in the work it good currently have ... even with my calls to various editorial offices of magazines to publish reached ^___^-
Well and next week stands to Helloween ... as we celebrate, of course, a party at Ner girlfriend at home, the apartment has huge ne . This is definitely great ^ ^ I leave as Helloween Kleopatra.Danach I spam my LJ again with certain images of it to
XD And I have now my costume for our Aboriginal Australia farewell party finished genäht.Is actually quite cool geworden.Zwei pictures of just now



the Rock is to the ground and has pink down that way. I'm thinking, however, make the skirt to any shorter, because I feel bissal like a meal worm then added joined XD come of course then in the end even accessories like necklace, ribbon in her hair, etc. involved, and I sometimes I still everywhere XD

Oh and this time even some pictures of the outfit from my Latin formation in some silly poses, where the performance at the Bavarian Court is 29.11.2008, the day before I fly and, moreover, the birthday of my Ma XD Just not on my face , Eighth got the images have just been made and see terribly accessible front of the PC XD

still a little picture with the ugly earrings ... I like not at the>. \u0026lt;

And from behind ^ ^

najaaa unfortunately is the dress bissal unfavorable to my character, because it underlines exactly my problem areas, yey -.- but otherwise really pretty ^ ^ isses

as if the last one before and after picture of my scar, with the scar from the previous image was already healed quite well, and especially the swelling as large nimma war.Die already looked a lot worse and my left eye was only very small.

Before stringy:

Today (also just made XD)

a lot better now ne?

SOOO it was a lot of useless stuff and a lot of pictures, have told me is boring XD
If someone is sometimes boring, he can be the so sometimes purely draw XD

Friday, October 17, 2008

Evinrude 4 Horsepower Carburetor

times Google for "Google Plan World domination ":-P

the result is very interesting. Result number one this page is Googlism and the Church of Google .

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Base Custom Creations Foundation Revlon

Newsis ^ ^ It

YEAH, I am accepted to the University! *___* Persons had to take English test and to kick DinA5 newspaper articles analyzing and motivation letter so make and bang boom, I was accepted XDDD I find that now, then very calm, because I now without worrying go to Australia, knowing that I had then a space ^ hihi. ^ V is now nurnoch it up to me whether I go there or not, the binding registration form is already on my desk ... I have to think about it only, mainly because of the money. @ @ I look forward to each fall to, or otherwise. Have time to march .. yes, there to think about whether I go or not to ^ ^
And I had this weekend very very long pause because of holidays, accident, etc. once again a tournament, saturday and sunday, the more we less or gone completely unprepared sind.Haben ne almost a week before the tournament started decided that we dance it ... at the last tournament before we knew it mind.3 XD So for months the match was intense and my excitement:-D but finally on Saturday 2nd place now ^___^ V and on Sunday 3rd unfortunately, because two of our biggest konkurentenpaare were at the start that were not there on saturday .... naja and unfortunately we have one of them managed to beat (at last tournament, we beat them), which are then become 2nd, but we have beaten the others who have defeated us in the last tournament hehe XD 1:1'd all say again:-D

Here two thumbs yay you sees the scar is not okay ... I'm on it but also about 50 tons of make-up XD

after next weekend tournaments in the next 4 are in augsburg .... 2 per day to @. najaa @ I hope it all pack XD

Sooo did yesterday then started to work in PR ... Argentur all day got on a variety of magazines call (insyle, Vogue, Glamour, Gala ...) and they propose a super sweet shop internet providers so they show items from the shop in their newspaper in three months XDDD was fun ^ - ^ working there now to mid November ^ ^
and today and the next days I had a job abroad as a promoter to distribute flyers for Kentucy fried chicken, which has newly opened in the valley ... nen discount coupons! we had a bright red pants and an ugly shirt at KFC, are run by the city or were at a stand in front of the KFC, and had persons crass fun! and the best of everything: 13 € the hour untaxed money, yeah!
people so if you are random times in the downtown and lives in Munich, then to rise for the KFC tastes very very tasty and I'm waiting for you with my red pants and give you discount coupon NEN, valid until 31.10.2008 heheeee XD

mhm ... I find something a ???... oh yeah ... I'm sad that The Oktoberfest is over ;___; and find it very sad that I could not go to the oktoberfest with akane, because the poor are sick :-( (
but at some point there will hopefully result in what ^___^-

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Free Character Games Like Poptropica

found on net for" with respect to bankers'

Just read .