09.09.09 - Tursajaiset Some might wonder now sure what that is now again a crazy Finnish word. It's simple: This is the day of the Erstis TAMK. And I am describing to you now it!
Kaja is no harm in knowing the university to meet with their group to discuss the project. Was made, the Frenchman and the Finn's kind of annoying and a honk. No matter. In any case, people everywhere were
with balloons, and I thought, so that the security preparations for the party they Erstis, which should take place in the evening.
Go out to say after the meeting - and cavort in front of the university, hundreds of people with balloons and partially cover. Hmmmm goes, the party now go about that? An exchange of the students (who also was with me in the language course) came running towards me screaming and said that we (also exchange students and Erstis) now all go to Keskustori and brought by bus to a secret location, where it then must solve problems. Fine, I thought, this is only happening at night! So I am very spontaneous and sometimes we are connected to the first of the University Keskustori. It looked like this:
was best so, as the Finns have played around with the helium balloons. Finnish alone sounds kind of funny, like helium voices alone sound funny. But when one combines these two things, then you get the laugh of the day. We have of course been through the same time - say vittu perkele "helium voice is great XD (You must find out the way, what does that mean if you manage ... get two chocolate bunnies.)
Arriving at Keskustori then we have been waiting for the buses. And waited. And waited. For there was only three buses for a "thousand drunken youths", as my colleague said so beautifully. Since then
were sung some things and it was probably something like a code, which had to tell the whole Erstis. There stood on the one with the megaphone and has provided what says what everyone else has repeated. Too bad that we have understood nothing. Regardless, the picture of the student alone with the colorful balloons and panels was so great, because the language barrier was quickly forgotten.
We had great luck that the weather is so awesome was. There I was real rum in Finland in September with T-shirt and I was still too warm. Hopefully in September is still so beautiful. This year is a little crazy anyway as regards the weather. Was I'm told. Since I could so lucky.
have some time I then got something to eat and my exchange student group is lost, some way, looked like this:
As I stood so alone around in the area. What to do? Just 'nen zulabern Finns. At some point I also got it done then once in a bus (after 2 1 / 2 hour wait) and then we went to our secret place. My fin was gone. So the same neighbor accosted ^ ^ The I was then passed to a group of international media students. Was in fact a tutor. And since we at the secret location (which, moreover, a huge meadow in the forest at 'NEM sea was - also called Härmälä camping) play fun games and to form groups had, I was equally well catered for.
how it looked in the square, across little groups, the tasks completed.
And this was a group dressed as there were various issues. For example, animals Spuer Mario & Luigi, shemales, Rocker, army and so on.
Our group had indeed no cladding, but the best name. It was called "the very most bestest", that is the very best of all most. And off we went!
There were several stations that we had to work through. Each group had a slip of paper on which the points were registered. Two tasks were really funny. In the first we've got a piece of paper with words but we do not know the meaning of each (which was also the sense here that were kind of seltesamen Finnish words that not even known to the Finns, and we had to come up with us then meanings). We then had to represent in pantomime. The funniest was as leprosy: Each was a body part (leg I was), we were all as a body on the floor and the head was screaming the whole time. A was just the disease and has the body parts pulled away. Sounds kind of disgusting if I now write down the Sun Then we had to dance for
what and play some play. So somehow it was the same everywhere. Except for the following ..
At the last station I was standing with open trousers next to 'NEM another girl and two boys, while our group leader gave us all rumgefummelt in the pants and the T-shirt ... Who here thinks evil of what now is your fault!
Do you know the game with the thread and the ring? The thread has a through pants and T-shirt, then the next time through T-shirt and pants and so on, so in a zig-zag pattern. And then long out of the ring on a String to be from one person to the next. That was wonderful, all standing there with open trousers and celebrated.
Then we drove to the city, where the actual party should be in Onnela. So that what I thought at first that's all.
But my people felt that the club is full of awful: a bunch of teenage girls who are ogled by old sacks, running while Britney Spears music. Of course, was not so sure that night, because even thousands TAMK drunken students were there, but the music was similar, and it cost 6 euro admission. Since we do not do all wanted, we went to a bar and have there own party goes a little bit. And we
Finger Hole have played XD It works like this: The players sit in a circle and is the lead player. Then everyone makes a hole with your fingers (Hole) and the GM to say where the finger to be: into its own hole or an alien. Like this:
When two into the same hole do, then lost the one that was last in there XD And who now again what you think evil that should be ashamed really XD In the end we then have the entire evening only spoken by Finger Hole ... And I get the order to spread it in the world. What did I do hereby. So you go in Germany, plays Finger Hole!
Then I got me a little longer with Riku maintained, which is really cool. With his sunglasses, he looks like Johnny Depp in the film Chocolat. But say with black hair and black clothes. Fine Fine Fine! Too bad he is so small> _ \u0026lt;Anyway, he said, should I even talk finnish ^ ^ So I said my few words and he said, my Finnish is really good. So the debate. But I need to learn more vocabulary. He was also a little German, so the best I found this sentence: "Help, my armored car is broken"
The evening ended at some point by 1 clock. And I must say, the media students are funnier than the international business people. If I'd better choose Media! But no, IB is better for the job. I'm here to study, not because of any Finnish people ... Or?